BBC Phone Sex with Michelle

I just had the most unadulterated BBC phone sex rendezvous with the biggest proclaimed bull I’ve ever had the pleasure to talk to. When the older mature lad told me he has a fourteen inch long cock, I was beaming so loudly and sat up straight on my bed. I hardly could compose my thoughts as my nether region down south commenced to tingling. Throb central city, baby! If you could visually see my thoughts projected out, the images flashing one right after the other across the screen will make you think you’re at a 1970s disco themed party. One trippy like slideshow presentation I can almost guarantee you won’t find boring. I burst out of my attire to presume my rightful place down on my knees to submit to the monster zaddy dick hanging down, swinging in front of me. I plundered for a few minutes on sucking the cock or not.

Now, I’m not one to shy away from sucking a sexy, physically appealing, nice sized cock. I’ve wrapped my lips, actually both sets of my lips on my body, around small penises, average size penises, and to my astonishing delight, larger than average penises with zero regard for the muscles of my face, tongue, and throat. When I laid my metaphorical, creative, imaginative eyes on this larger than life, fourteen inch long monster, BBC phone sex dick in front of me, I shuddered and said a quick mediating affirmation to myself. This man’s horse dick in my mouth kinda felt like I was trying to squeeze two hot dogs in my mouth at the same time. It was so wide which doubled the fun of licking, kissing, and rubbing every inch of the Mandingo cock. He called me his nasty black bitch and to my inner submissiveness, I squealed when picked me up and laid me on my backBBC Phone Sex

His Ebony super giant weiner went straight for my vagina like magnets. When the head went inside, I moaned and gasped for a huge breathe of air. I was so wet which helped me to accommodate his enormous member that much more easily. During this BBC phone sex call, his cock was unlike anything I’ve ever felt penetrate me. I endured the intense pain of him stretching me out, sliding against all four of my pussy walls. Such deepness and fastness. I get the feeling that the louder I screamed & yelled, the more rougher he decided to go. The feeling of being completely bottomed out came with indescribable, out of this world pain with pleasure, squirting and creaming, dripping down his almost endless bird. My vagina contracted on and on and on again. It just wouldn’t stop as I  moaned, groaned, cried, cussed and called out to God.

In this BBC phone sex fantasy, my pussy box will never be the same as it is stretched and gapped open to the max. Thinking about my recent call, I need to have more big black cocks and like minded discussions with my BBC fanboys in my life. Help a sista out and dial 1-866-493-7542 and ask for Michelle. 

BBW Phone Sex